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OutServe Magazine | June 28, 2015

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Meet the Evans-Nethers Family

Meet the Evans-Nethers Family

As we move forward in our fight for full equality in our military, it is important to put faces with names and share the stories of the families being affected by the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Our military families are important to us all, as they are the backbone of support to the service member serving to ensure our rights and freedom. OutServe Magazine first met Zachary Evans-Nethers when he volunteered to be on our staff. His ability to manage family life, a full-time job, and volunteer for us, all while pursuing a doctoral degree, amazed us! Zachary is a Captain in the U.S. Army and is married to Marshall. They have two beautiful daughters, Taylor, 11, and Emma, 6, and an adorable dog named Marley. We thank you for your dedication and service!

The Evans-Nethers Family
The Evans-Nethers Family (L to R): Emma, Zachary, Marshall, Taylor and Marley Photo: Tatjana Plitt //

The Evans-Nethers Family
(L to R): Emma, Zachary, Marshall, Taylor and Marley
Photo: Tatjana Plitt //

How long have you and Marshall been together? 

We have been together since December 25, 2005, and we were married on April 28, 2012.

Where do you currently live?

We live in Dublin, Ohio, which is a lovely little suburb of Columbus!

What is a typical day like in your home?

Our days are pretty hectic! The kids wake up for school at 6:30 a.m., and we get them on the bus by 7:30 a.m. Marshall works from home, so he’s usually working by 8 a.m., and Zachary is usually off to work around 7:30 a.m. as well. Once the kids get home from school, we help them get their homework done and then get dinner ready for everyone. Once we’ve eaten, it’s time to get the house and bedrooms cleaned for bedtime. Both of the kids are in bed by 9 p.m., and then Marshall and Zachary work on their homework until around midnight, and it’s all over again the next day.

 What do you do for family fun? 

This year has been really hectic with Zachary working on his doctoral degree, but we like to travel, especially going to the beach! We also like to visit amusement parks, go to the zoo, and take our dog Marley for walks!

How does DOMA affect you as a military family?

DOMA affects us as a military family because we’re missing out on benefits that are provided to the same heterosexual counterparts that are serving in the military alongside Zachary. If Zachary were to be deployed and something happened to him, Marshall would receive no benefits and it would be very hard to take care of the children on his own. Marshall is also covered on Zachary’s health insurance plan, and because we’re in a same-sex relationship, the additional taxes he pays for me as a domestic partner are 200 percent more than what a heterosexual person would have to pay. Also, the social stigma around DOMA and what a marriage “should be” is detrimental to children.